Development of capacities of rural businesses to design and promote sustainable tourism products based on intangible cultural heritage



STORIE project – development of capacities of rural businesses

The Erasmus+ project STORIE (2018-2020)aims to improve the competitiveness of rural businesses that operate in tourism and related sectors. STORIE will create an online learning tool and a set of guidelines to help develop skills and capacities of small rural companies in design and promotion of sustainable tourism products based on intangible cultural heritage.

Project partners are 7 organisations from 5 EU countries – Croatia, Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania and Spain – involved in rural tourism, training, consulting, research, and association activities.

Why is this important?

Rural tourism supports about 1 million direct and indirect jobs in Europe. It deals with issues of depopulation of rural areas, encourages environmental conservation and enhancement, helps retain “traditional” skills; it can be a great tool for safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage and enrich the lives of enormous numbers of people.

At the same time, there is a need for small rural businesses to become more professional in their marketing efforts, enhance cooperation and learn how to use the valuable unique resources of their region to create memorable tourism experiences.


The activities leading to Output 1 aim to identify and exchange the best practices and methodologies for the development of skills and capacities of small rural businesses in the area of tourism product design and promotion, and cooperation.

Furthermore,  to analyse the training programmes previously developed by project partners, and adapt existing programmes to create a new, tailored programme specifically and directly aimed at filling the skills gaps of rural businesses.

Intellectual Output 1: STORIE Learning Programme

Skills needs and learning outcomes


Pedagogical Approach 

Assessment and evaluation methodology 

The final Output – O3 – of Erasmus+ STORIE project is “Insights and Experiences” – 3 guides that provide methodological guidelines and recommendations developed by project partners in the course of the project:

E-learning space

We prepared a short description for you, to learn more about the STORIE learning curricula.

You can download the STORIE app from the Google Play store by clicking here.

If you do not want to download and install the Android app, you can use the Web App too.

Do you have questions about using the app? Check out the guide for learners.

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